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PostNet Woocommerce Plugin Setup and Usage Instructions

Setup Instructions

  1. Negotiate Rates and Sign Up:
    • Visit your local PostNet store to negotiate your shipping rates.
    • Sign up for a user account on the PostNet website.
  2. Generate API Key and Passphrase:
    • Log in to your PostNet user account.
    • Click on your name in the top right corner to edit your profile.
    • Populate your billing address.
    • Generate your API key and Passphrase, which you will need for the Woocommerce plugin.
  3. Install the Plugin:
    • Install and activate the PostNet Delivery plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.
  4. Configure Plugin Settings:
    • In the WordPress backend, navigate to Woocommerce > PostNet Delivery.
    • Service Type:
      • Select the service types you want to enable: PostNet to PostNet, Regional Centre - Express, Regional Centre - Economy, Main Centre - Express, Main Centre - Economy.
    • PostNet to PostNet Delivery Fee:
      • Enter the fixed fee for parcels up to 5kg for delivery to another PostNet store (negotiated with your local store).
    • Order Amount Threshold:
      • Set a threshold amount over which the delivery will be free.
    • Collection Type:
      • Choose from Service Based, Always Collect, or Always Deliver:
        • Service Based: You will deliver all parcels to your local PostNet store if the PostNet to PostNet service type is selected. For all other service types the store will be notified to come and collect from your place of business.
        • Always Collect: The store will always collect the package from your place of business.
        • Always Deliver: You will always deliver the package to your local PostNet store.
    • PostNet Store:
      • Select the name of your local PostNet store that you have negotiated with. This store will be notified for collections.
    • API Key and Passphrase:
      • Copy and paste the API key and Passphrase from your PostNet user account.
  5. Save and Configure Shipping Options:
    • Click the Save Settings button to save your configurations.
    • Click the Configure PostNet Shipping button to set up the appropriate shipping options for the plugin.

Usage Instructions

  1. Export Products CSV:
    • On the PostNet Delivery settings page, click the Export Products CSV button.
    • This will export all your Woocommerce products as a CSV file.
  2. Populate Shipping Fees:
    • Populate the fees for each service type you have enabled for each product in the exported CSV file.
  3. Import Products CSV:
    • On the same settings page, click the Import Products CSV button to re-import the file and bulk update the fees.
  4. Edit Individual Products:
    • Alternatively, you can edit individual products and input the fees on the shipping information tab for each product.

Once you have completed these steps, your PostNet Woocommerce plugin is ready to use for calculating shipping charges.

Summary of Steps:

  1. Negotiate rates and sign up on PostNet website.
  2. Generate API key and Passphrase.
  3. Install and activate the plugin.
  4. Configure settings in the Woocommerce backend.
  5. Export, edit, and import product CSVs, or edit individual products.

With these settings in place, your store will be able to accurately calculate shipping charges using the PostNet delivery services.